The NEUBIE is mostly used in a clinical setting and primarily purchased or leased by licensed professionals. If you are a professional interested in adding NeuFit to your business (or team/school), please inquire here and someone from our team will reach out to you. If you are interested in the NEUBIE for personal use, please know that it can only be used under the supervision of a medical professional. If you are not in Austin, Texas, please check out the NeuFit Neubie Provider Directory to find a Practitioner near you. In some circumstances, there are options to rent or buy a NEUBIE for continued care at home. Ask your NeuFit Practitioner about what options they may be able to offer you. If you are still very interested in buying a NEUBIE for personal use only, please fill out the form and a member from our team will reach out to you soon. If there isn’t a NeuFit Practitioner near you, please consider connecting us with your doctor or therapist and sharing this page with them: